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Minggu, 29 September 2013

Tugas IAD (Ilmu Alamiah Dasar)

By: Wa Ode Indah F.

1.      Mengapa setiap planet yang mengelilingi matahari selalu tetap pada edaran masing-masing?
2.      Faktor-faktor apa yang membedakan antara planet 1 dan planet yang lain?
3.      Ketika bumi bersama bulan mengitari matahari, maka terjadi dampak positif dan negative untuk kehidupan. Jelaskan!

1.      Setiap planet yang mengelilingi matahari tetap pada edarannya, karena masing-masing planet beredar pada garis orbit yang b erbeda jaraknya dari surya selaku pusat edaran.

Senin, 23 September 2013

Contoh (Example) RPP (Lesson Plan) Bahasa Inggris - Writing - Cluster (pocess & product oriented)


Nama sekolah              : SMA 1 BIU
Subject                        : English
Class/Semester            : XI (eleventh) / 1
Text Type                    : Narrative Text
Skill                             : Writing (process oriented)
Meeting                       : 4th
Time Allocation          : 2 x 40 minutes
Based Competence    : Applying the meaning of short functional text in form Narrative text to interact in their social life.
Indicators                     :
a.       Sorting the generic structures in Narrative Text.
b.      Operating the language feature in narrative text.
c.       Writing a narrative text.

Theories about Culture Shock, Stereotype, Intercultural competence, Ethnocentrism, Prejudice, Verbal Communication and Non Verbal Communication

Name: Wa Ode Indah Fitriyah                                               Individual Assignment Of CCU

1.      Searle & Ward (2004) said that the Culture shock refers to the number of claims adjustment experienced by individuals at the level of cognitive, behavioral, emotional, social, and physiological when they are placed in different cultures. It means that culture shock is the confusion of someone to a culture or behavior that he had never met before. For example, a person who go to  abroad or to an area that he had never visited before, then he will be feel confused, and frustrated with the culture in that area, like how people eating, sitting or do they activity there. In fact, it will be difficult to adapting to the people who exist in that area.
2.      Walter Lippman said that the stereotype is picture in our head or held perception attached to certain groups that ignore individual uniqueness. It means we judge a person or a person's culture is based on our own perceptions without seeing their true culture. Although, stereotype here, can be a positive or negative perception. For example, I am Indonesian and have a culture that does not do free sex. Then, when I go in a country or region that has a different culture, where, they used to do free sex. Without understanding their culture, I directly judge that they have a bad culture.
3.      Myron Lustig and Jolene Koester said Intercultural competence describes communication between at least two people who are different in significant ways culturally. It means the ability to interact with people who have different cultural backgrounds, in the field of social or economic. For example, a company leader who has a lot of employees with different cultural backgrounds, then he must have extensive knowledge about other cultures, so that he can interact better with his employees. Another example is a worker who works abroad, where he must be able to interact with the culture where he worked.
4.      Ethnocentrism by William G. Sumner, upon observing the tendency for people to differentiate between the in-group and others. He defined it as "the technical name for the view of things in which one's own group is the center of everything, and all others are scaled and rated with reference to it." He further characterized it as often leading to pride, vanity, beliefs of one's own group's superiority, and contempt of outsiders. It means that we judge or make a distinction between a person's culture based on someone ethnic with ethnic ourselves, whether it is from the way they speak, dress, and others. For example, one of the tribes in Papua, the way they dress to wear clothing that is still not the standard, they just wear underwear. Then I compared it with my tribe who had been taking standardized costume.
5.      (Anderson, 1999), says that non-verbal communication is considered as more honest, and contains a message that is done without words. This means that non-verbal communication we communicate without words to others, such as using gestures, body language, facial expressions and eye contact, use of objects such as clothes, haircuts, and so forth. Examples of non-verbal communication in Indonesia, especially in my culture is spit, spit considered acts brash and disrespectful. But the Masai people in Africa think the act is a sign of gratitude or love sign on someone.
6.      Allport, (in Zanden, 1984), that prejudice is an attitude of hating other groups without any objective reason to hate the groups. This means that we make a negative prejudice against a person or group of people before we know the truth. For example, one of tribes inJava is eating locusts. Then, because we do not like the locust, did not even eat it, then we assume they are a strange people.
7.      DeddyMulyana said that verbal communication is all kinds of symbols that use one or more words. This means that we communicate using words either oral or written. For example, a broadcast news reporter or a journalist who was writing a story.

Observe about Language Acquisition of Children

Psycholinguistic Mid Assignment
by wd. Indah Fitriyah

Observe about Language Acquisition of Children
Language is a form of rule or system of symbols used to communicate by children and adapt to its environment. Language acquisition is acquiring language subconscious. Although how children learn to speak is not perfectly understood, most explanations involve both the observation that children copy what they hear and the inference that human beings have a natural aptitude for understanding grammar. Speech and language disorders are one of the causes of developmental disorders are most commonly found in children. Speech delay is a major complaint that is often feared and parents complained to the doctor.
In this paper, I examine a boy aged 4 years and have not been able to speak normally. His name is Kilan. He can understand what he sees or playing, but he can’t speak well. Then, what are the words that he could produce in speaking? What is the cause of delay in talking to this child?


Sociolinguistic Assignment


Munculnya pijin kemungkinan mengharuskan ada setidaknya tiga bahasa. Jika salah satu bahasa lebih dominan, pengguna bahasa yang tidak dominan berperan penting dalam pembentukan pijin. Mereka tidak hanya berbicara kepada pengguna bahasa dominan, tetapi juga harus anatar mereka yang tidak dominan. Dengan demikian, dominasi bahasa tersebut akan hilang. Bahasa pijin juga merupakan bahasa perdagangan yang digunakan di daerah pantai dimana terdapat banyak bahasa. Oleh karena itu bahasa pijin lebih merupakan lingua franca anatar mereka yang tidak mampu saling berkomunikasi dengan bahasa standar. Misalnya, pidgin Chinese English oleh penutur bahasa Cina yang beragam, dan Neo-Melanesian (Tok Pisin) yang merupakan bahasa pemersatu penutur berbagai bahasa di Papua Nugini.

five key hypotheses about second language acquisition by Krashen

Psycholinguistic Assigment                                             

There are five key hypotheses about second language acquisition by Krashen:

Adults have two different ways to develop competence in a language: language acquisition and language learning.
Language acquisition is a subconscious process not unlike the way a child learns language. Language acquirers are not consciously aware of the grammatical rules of the language, but rather develop a "feel" for correctness. "In non-technical language, acquisition is 'picking-up' a language."
Language learning, on the other hand, refers to the "conscious knowledge of a second language, knowing the rules, being aware of them, and being able to talk about them." Thus language learning can be compared to learning about a language.

Contoh (Example) RPP (Lesson Plan) Bahasa Inggris - Reading - Two stay Two Stray


Nama sekolah              : SMP 1 BIU
Subject                        : English
Class/Semester            : VIII (eight) / 1
Text Type                    : Narrative Text
Skill                             : Reading
Meeting                       : 1st
Time Allocation          : 2 x 40 minutes
Based Competence    : Understanding the meaning of short functional text in form Narrative text to interact in their social life.
Indicators                     :
a.       Identify the main idea in Narrative Text.
b.      Identify the generic structures in Narrative Text.
c.       Identify the moral value in Narrative Text.

Contoh (Example) RPP (Lesson Plan) Bahasa Inggris - Listening - Digtogloss


Nama sekolah              : SMA 1 BIU
Subject                        : English
Class/Semester            : XI (eleventh) / 1
Text Type                    : Narrative Text
Skill                             : Listening (non-Reciprocal)
Meeting                       : 5th
Time Allocation          : 2 x 40 minutes
Based Competence    : Understanding the meaning of short functional text in form Narrative text to interact in their social life.
Indicators                     :
a.       Identifying the main idea in Narrative Text.
b.      Identifying the generic structures in Narrative Text.
c.       Identifying the moral value in Narrative Text.

Contoh (Example) RPP (Lesson Plan) Bahasa Inggris - Speaking - Two stay Two Stray


Nama sekolah              : SMA 1 BIU
Subject                        : English
Class/Semester            : X (tenth) / 1
Text Type                    : Narrative Text
Skill                             : Speaking
Meeting                       : 2nd
Time Allocation          : 2 x 40 minutes
Based Competence    : Understanding the meaning of short functional text in form Narrative text to interact in their social life.
Indicators                     :
a.       Mentioning the main idea in Narrative Text.
b.      Mentioning the generic structures in Narrative Text.
c.       Describing the moral value in Narrative Text.

Sociolinguistic - Analysis about the Language Change of Indonesian Language and English

I. Background
1.      The Language Change of Indonesian Language
Indonesian Language has changed considerably, along with the times. Advances in information technology and socio-cultural help provide a big enough impact to change our language. Indonesian standard, in accordance with EYD has begun rarely used. Indonesian standard Language, more often we see only as a formal subject in schools, whereas in our daily life more comfortable using slang, casual language, and usually do not follow the rules of good grammar and correct.
2.      The Language Change of English
The three main periods are generally recognized in the history of English. Old English (Old English), known as the Anglo-Saxon form, from 449 M to 1100 M. Middle English (Middle English) 1066 to 1500 M. Modern English (Modern English) from around 1450 to 1500 M, which in each period, the English language has a few changes.
II. Objectives
The Objectives of this paper are:
a.       To know about the language change of Indonesian Language and English.
b.      To see the differences of the Language changes according to the phonological, morphological, syntactical, grammatical and semantic.


A.      Background
Semantic is the study of meaning in language. Language is viewed as the vocabulary which is contained in literary works (traditional linguistic). In the study of language, language definitions are sometimes based on meaning and sometimes on function.
There are many kinds of Semantic aspect. One of them is Homonym. Homonym is two or more words that have the same sound and spelling but different in meaning. Homonym has been variously defined in the semantic field. It means that homonym is analysis of meaning based on the context. Homonym is based on context, two words being homonym in a certain context. Even though, the same words and the same pronunciation, but the meaning is depend on the context. Different situation it means can influence the meaning. For example in English; bank (of a river) and bank (of a financial institution).
We interest in making this paper Homonym in Muna language because we want to share knowledge about homonym especially in Muna language. This is also important since Muna language is one of traditional Language from South East Sulawesi.

Ilmu Alamiah Dasar (Tugas)

1. Ketika kita menjatuhkan benda di atas lantai dari ketinggian tertentu, maka energi potensial & energi kinetik berubah menjadi apa? jelaskan prosesnya!
2. Kelangsungan hidup manusia tergantung pada materi dan energi. jelaskan!
3. Jelaskan proses-proses terjadinya transfer panas yang ada di alam!
4. Kapankah pengalaman dapat tumbuh menjadi pengetahuan?
5. Jelaskan tokoh-tokoh yunani pembawa perubahan cara pemikiran ilmiah!

1.      Saat benda dijatuhkan energi potensial menjadi energi kinetik. Dan saat benda berada diam dilantai ,yang semula energi kinetik menjadi energi potensial. Contoh prosesnya adalah Buah mangga yang menggelayut di tangkainya memiliki energi potensial. Pada saat batu dijatuhkan, energi potensialnya berkurang sepanjang lintasan geraknya menuju tanah. Ketika mulai jatuh, energi potensial berkurang karena EP berubah bentuk menjadi Energi kinetik. Pada saat hendak mencapai tanah, energi kinetik menjadi sangat besar, sedangkan EP sangat kecil. Mengapa demikian ? semakin dekat dengan permukaan tanah, jarak buah mangga semakin kecil sehingga EP-nya menjadi kecil. Sebaliknya, semakin mendekati tanah, Energi Kinetik semakin besar karena gerakan mangga makin cepat akibat adanya percepatan gravitasi yang konstan. Ketika tiba di permukaan tanah, energi potensial dan energi kinetik buah mangga hilang, karena h (tinggi) dan v (kecepatan) = 0.