Cari Blog Ini

Senin, 23 September 2013


A.      Background
Semantic is the study of meaning in language. Language is viewed as the vocabulary which is contained in literary works (traditional linguistic). In the study of language, language definitions are sometimes based on meaning and sometimes on function.
There are many kinds of Semantic aspect. One of them is Homonym. Homonym is two or more words that have the same sound and spelling but different in meaning. Homonym has been variously defined in the semantic field. It means that homonym is analysis of meaning based on the context. Homonym is based on context, two words being homonym in a certain context. Even though, the same words and the same pronunciation, but the meaning is depend on the context. Different situation it means can influence the meaning. For example in English; bank (of a river) and bank (of a financial institution).
We interest in making this paper Homonym in Muna language because we want to share knowledge about homonym especially in Muna language. This is also important since Muna language is one of traditional Language from South East Sulawesi.

B.      Problem
a.        What are the kinds of homonym in Muna language according to grammatical class?
b.       What are the examples of homonym in Muna language?

C.      Discussion
Homonyms in Muna language consist of two types, namely homonym from the same grammatical class and from the different grammatical class:
a.        Homonym from the same grammatical class
1.        Homonym in noun
The homonym in noun class can be seen in the following explanation.
·          Katumbu “pounder” (n) and Katumbu “kind of food made from corn” (n). Ex: (1). Inaku negholi katumbu ntade indewi. (My mother bought a pounder yesterday).
(2). Inaku nofuma katumbu gola. (My mother eats katumbu gola).
·          Gholeo “sun” (n) and Gholeo “day” (n).
Ex: (1). Gholeo nobhete we timbu. (The sun rises in the east).
       (2). Naewine gholeono kagaano pisaku. (Tomorrow is the day of my cousin’s wedding ceremony).
2.        Homonym in verb
·          Runsa “divorce” (v) and Runsa “put” (v)
Ex: (1). Wa Ani bhe poraeno doporunsamo. (Wa ani and her husband have divorce).
      (2). Amaku nerunsa doi welo lemari. (My father puts the money in the cupboard).
·          Tolo “swallow” (v) and Tolo “sink” (v)
Ex: (1). Tolo kaago ini. (Swallow this medicine).
      (2). La Ege notolo welo tehi indewi. (La Ege sank into the sea yesterday).

b.       Homonym from different grammatical class
1.        Homonym between noun and verb
·          Kadiu “proder” (n) and Kadiu “take a bath” (v)
Ex: (1). Amaku nerabu kadiu. (My Father makes a proder).
      (2). Akumala aekadiu we sumu. (I will go to take a bath at the well).
2.        Homonym between noun and adjective
·          Bhala “birthmark” (n) and Bhala “big” (adj.)
Ex: (1). Wa Ani bhe bhalano. (Wa Ani has a birthmark).
       (2). Karambau bhalano ghulu nolodo we karete. (Big buffalo’s body slept in the yard).
3.        Homonym between noun and adverb
·          Kawala “wood” (n) and Kawala “early morning” (adv.)
Ex: (1). Amaku neala kawala. (My father takes wood).
      (2). Kawala peda aini okumala nehamai? (Early morning like this where do you want to go?
4.        Homonym between verb and adjective
·          Buri “write” (v) and Buri “color” (Adj.)
Ex: (1). Isaku neburi sura. (My sister writes a letter).
       (2). Burino oto atatu o kadea. (The color of the car is red).
5.        Homonym between verb and adverb
·          Rambi “hit” (v) and Rambi “o’clock” (adv.)
Ex: (1) Rambi limano anahi aitu. (Hit the hand of the child! )
       (2) Rambi alumata akumala we galu. (I will go to the garden at 8 o’clock).

D.      Conclusion
According to grammatical categories in Muna language, homonym is divided into two types; they are homonym from the same grammatical class and homonym from the different grammatical class. Homonym from the same grammatical class is found in two classes; homonym in noun and homonym in verb. Homonym from different grammatical class is also found in some classes; between noun and verb, noun and adjective, noun and adverb, verb and adjective, verb and adverb.

E.      References
Kreidler, Charles W. 1981. Introducing English Semantics. London: Routledge.
Homonym retrieved from on 9th may 2013
Homonym retrieved from on 9th may 2013


AYU ASTRIANI   (A1D210032)


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